QC Research Connect is a tool designed to connect undergraduates with faculty mentors. Feel free to contact one or more of the below faculty, each having a separate tab containing their contact information. Please bear in mind that some faculty have requirements; these are written in their tabs. Your emails should contain proper salutations and valedictions (greetings and endings), and they should be written professionally and concisely, in complete sentences with proper grammar and punctuation. In your initial communications with faculty, please try to describe:
- your name, research and coursework background, and any information that’s relevant to the mentor. For instance, a mentor may wish to know if you’ve taken a specific course, or learned a specific programming language. These may be listed on their website, and/or in the blurb in the their tab on this page.
- how much time you’re willing and able to dedicate to research, and when you’d like to work with your mentor (during semesters, only during summers, etc.).
- why you’re interested in this research. It would be helpful to give faculty an idea of your long-term plans, if you have any. These might include graduate school, medical school, work immediately after leaving Queens College, etc.
You should keep your email to a short paragraph or less. Please remember that faculty are very busy, just as you are, and may need time to reply. If you do not get a response within two weeks, you may try again. Give more time during time periods when exams are typically given.
Mentors, if you are looking for undergraduate students to work with you on your research projects, you can now notify us using this form.
Updated on January 5, 2023
Computer Science
Professor Jonathan Gryak, Biomedicine and Data Science
Email: jgryak@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-3487
Office: Science Building A116
Website: http://www.gryak.org/
I am looking for motivated students who are looking to satisfy their intellectual curiosity by developing and applying innovative and sophisticated methodologies to solve real-world problems in biomedicine in particular and data science more generally. You might be a:
- computer science student with strong programming skills seeking to learn how to develop/apply AI/ML techniques; or
- a mathematics student with a strong skills in linear algebra/algebraic geometry seeking to apply their mathematical knowledge to data science.
Required courses: CSCI 313, CSCI 323, CSCI 331, MATH 201, MATH 231, MATH 241
Please visit my website to learn more about my research. I look forward to hearing from you!
Professor Francesc Ortega, Economics of Immigration & The Economic Effects of Climate Change
Email: Francesc.Ortega@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-5007
Office: Powdermaker Hall 300A
Website: http://qcpages.qc.cuny.edu/~fortega/QC/Welcome.html
You can check out my research in my webpage (below). Usually, my colleagues and I supervise students doing original research in the context of the Economics Honors Seminar (ECON 392W). In this class students receive guidance to research a topic of their interest and to write a thesis. You can see examples of past theses at https://qc-econ-bba.com/economics-senior-theses
Professor Bradley Bergey, Student motivation, Teacher career choice
Email: bradley.bergey@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-5170
Office: Powdermaker Hall 150T
I have active research projects in the following areas:
1) Factors that influence student help seeking (e.g., asking questions in class) and how instructional technologies affect help seeking behaviors;
2) how learning activities that incorporate designing and making things affect student motivation for science, technology, engineering and math; and
3) how students choose a teaching career, especially individuals from underrepresented groups in the teaching workforce (men, persons of color).
Students who are interested in gaining research experience in one of these areas should email me describing their interest and any relevant prior experience.
Professor Ya Ching Hung, Cerebral Palsy, Kinematics, Movement control and learning
Email: yaching.hung@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-2739
Office: Fitzgerald Gymnasium 203K
Evaluating movement control development and impairments in Children with Cerebral Palsy and their improvements after training.
Professor Christopher Wagner, Literacy & Multilingualism
Email: cwagner@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-5374
Office: Powdermaker Hall 054
Website: https://www.christopherjwagner.com/
I welcome working with students with interests in early literacy, language development, and multilingualism. It is helpful to have taken one or more courses on literacy education or linguistics. You can find more information on some of my current and recent projects on my website. Students who want to pursue research opportunities in these areas should email me describing their interests.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Professor Cherice M. Evans, Physical Chemistry
Email: cherice.evans@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-4216
Room: Remsen Hall 206G
Please fill out the form. Results will be emailed to the faculty of interest.
Professor William H. Hersh, Organic Chemistry
Interest: Synthesis of cationic biodegradable polymers for mRNA and DNA binding and delivery
Email: william.hersh@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-4144
Room: Remsen Hall 109B
Website: http://chem.qc.cuny.edu/~whersh
Professor Gopal Subramaniam, NMR, Chemistry Education
Email: Gopal.Subramaniam@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-4123
Room: Remsen Hall 206C
Professor Chen Wang, Physical Chemistry
Email: chen.wang@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-4100
Room: Remsen 206G
Professor Matthew Civiletti, Inflationary Cosmology
Email: matthew.civiletti@qc.cuny.edu
Office: Science Building B320
I am looking for students interested in doing research in theoretical cosmology. It’s extremely helpful to have taken first and second semester calculus-based physics. Please see my site for more information and to contact me.
Professor Jeff Beeler, Behavioral Neuroscience
Email: jbeeler@qc.cuny.edu
Office: Razran Hall 364
Send email to the address above and indicate your class standing (sophmore etc), when you expect to graduate, what your post graduation goals are, whether you have any prior research experience (if so what, when, how long), what semesters you are looking to work in the lab and number of hours per week you are anticipating have to work on research, and why you are interested in my lab in particular.